Welcome to Te Waka Ako 2022

Kia ora bloggers,

Welcome to our Senior syndicate blog here in Te Waka Ako at Waikōwhai Primary School.

Kia kaha, be strong / Kia maia, have courage

The two phrases above are central to our year here in Te Waka Ako. This year we are focusing on having a growth mindset, aware that it is ok to struggle when we are learning and looking to learn from mistakes.

What phrases do you know that are important to you and the way you live your life?

3 thoughts on “Welcome to Te Waka Ako 2022

  1. Kia ora, my name is Shilo and I am in Waitamata at Waikowhai Primary School. I really like your blog post about Welcome to Te Waka Ako 2022. What have you learnt about Kia Kaha be strong and Kia Maia have courage? Thanks for sharing your learning. You should check out my blog. https://wapsshilop.edublogs.org/

    Blog you later Shilo.

  2. Kia Ora Te Waka Ako, it’s Valerie and I’m in room Waitemata at Waikowhai Primary School.
    I really liked your blog post about your trip to Muriwai Beach.

    I remember when I did something like this a few years ago with my family at a different beach, we visited a beach we never went to and had a swimming race.

    Is there any thing else that you guys learnt about in the marine life?
    I really enjoied reading this article, it was cool, short and interesting to read.

    Thanks for sharing your learning. You should check out my blog, https://wapsvalerieaneu.edublogs.org/

    Blog you later,

  3. Kia Ora, my name is Cole and I am in Waitemata at Waikowhai Primary School.I really liked your blog post about the Muriwai beach.
    I remembered when I did something like this at Mangawhai beach doing boogie boarding.
    Have you ever tried ski biscuit? thanks for sharing your lerning. Blog you later

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