Month: March 2022

Our Trip to Muriwai Beach

Mālō bloggers,

Earlier in Week 7, the Year 4 and 5 students of Te Waka Ako went for a school trip to Muriwai Beach. We were really excited as this was the first trip since Covid began and we knew it was going to be a fun time!

We arrived at the Life-Saving Club in Muriwai and were exposed to lots of important messages about keeping ourselves safe at the beach. We learned how to recognise a rip, what to do if we were stuck in one and why it is a good idea to swim between the flags.

We also got to check out all the interesting gear and fascinating vehicles Life-guards use when patrolling beaches in Aotearoa.

Finally, we went down to the beach and got struck by torrential rain. It was pouring! We got just as wet in the water as we did on land but that didn’t stop us from having a great time. There was boogeyboarding, body surfing and lots of tumbles. We showed lots of resilience and didn’t let the crazy weather stop us from making awesome memories!

By the time we got back to school, we were exhausted. We had a great time!

What fun memories do you have of going to the beach?


Welcome to Te Waka Ako 2022

Kia ora bloggers,

Welcome to our Senior syndicate blog here in Te Waka Ako at Waikōwhai Primary School.

Kia kaha, be strong / Kia maia, have courage

The two phrases above are central to our year here in Te Waka Ako. This year we are focusing on having a growth mindset, aware that it is ok to struggle when we are learning and looking to learn from mistakes.

What phrases do you know that are important to you and the way you live your life?